Jessica Halsey, FFMHS NHS President, presents project support check to Tracy Copeland, Rotary Club President.
Fort Fairfield Middle High School (FFMHS) National Honor Society (NHS) members Colby Langner, Colby Giberson, Olivia Langner, Jessica Halsey (President), Caijsa Benson and Faculty Advisor Garrett Martin attended the club’s recent breakfast meeting. During the meeting Jessica, on the NHS’s behalf, presented a $100 check to Tracy Copeland, Club President. These funds will be passed on to the Fort Fairfield Elementary School (FFES) faculty/staff as part of the Rotary club’s warm winter clothing project for youngers at the FFES who might not otherwise have mittens, caps, gloves or the like.
This NHS and Rotary club partnership has its genesis at the November 2018 Rotary club meeting where Jessica and Colby Giberson, Rotary Spirit Student Award (RSSA) recipients (see "RSSA Sept-Oct 2018" ) first heard about the club’s FFES warm winter clothing project. Jessica and Colby introduced the project at a subsequent NHS meeting and the club felt that it would like to partner with the Rotary club in this project. Upon receiving a very enthusiastic welcome-to-the-project the NHS members presented their funds. These NHS funds together with the “Happy Dollars” raised during the Rotary club’s annual Christmas/New Year’s seasonal meeting held at FFMHS (see the "2018 Annual Christmas Program"), now brings the total project funding to $400.
The Fort Fairfield Rotary Club wishes to thank the FFMHS NHS members and faculty advisor for your desire to partner with our club in this project. Many more FFES youngsters will enjoy the winter with warm mittens, caps, gloves and the like thanks to your Service Above Self spirit.
Far left: Faculty Advisor Garrett Martin
Front Row: Olivia Langner, Jessica Halsey (NHS President), Caijsa Benson
Back Row: Colby Langner, Colby Giberson, Tracy Copeland (Rotary Club President)