Tammy Clavette, Sexual Assault Services, Aroostook Mental Health Center (accepting tote bag from Tracy Copelend, Vice President) was the guest speaker at a recent club meeting. Tammy noted that while there are Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) in southern Maine there has not been a CAC in The County.
So, for the last two years Tammy and others have been diligently working to open a CAC somewhere in the local area so that those requiring services will not have to drive more than an hour to access these services. These efforts have now been rewarded as facility space has been donated, and community organizations and volunteers have provided renovation materials and labor which will result in a CAC being opened in the Fort Fairfield TAMC facility (28 High Street) in the very near future.
For those who are not familiar with the CAC mission, purpose, and processes, material is presented at the following online location: http://www.cacmaine.org/ .