Each RSSA recipient is honored at a regular club breakfast meeting and receives a certificate and an iTunes gift card. The SOY receives a mounted recognition certificate, a $500 award, and their picture is presented along with an engraved label on the SOY perpetual plague which hangs in the FFMHS lobby.
Alex receives his SOY certicate from Tracy
Alex is presented with the SOY perpetual plague which hangs in the FFMHS lobby
Alex with his recognitions
Alex with proud parents, Linda and Sam Harvey
2017-2018 RSSA recipients (left to right) with Tracy Copeland, RSSA Committee, Ali White and Alex Sprague (Mar/Apr 2018); Dixie Grady (Jan/Feb 2018); Hunter St. Pierre and Sam Butler (Nov/Dec 2017); Chelsea Ouellette and Malcolm Langner (Sep/Oct 2017). Not in photo - Solomon Daigle (Jan/Feb 2018)
Tracy addresses the audience, explaining the RSSA program
Banners at the FFMHS Honors Night function