The Fort Fairfield Rotary Club was re-established after a break in service in June 1978. Not long after, in January 1982, it sponsored the Perth-Andover Rotary Club establishment. Over the years the clubs have supported each other’s service efforts both locally and internationally.
I don’t know how long the two clubs have held their annual meetings as a joint venture, alternating between venues on both sides of the border. What I do know is that this year they held their joint annual meeting at The Castle Inn, Perth-Andover, NB, Canada. The castle-like inn high on the hillside proved to be the perfect venue for social hour, dinner, and member recognitions that are part of the evening’s festivities.
Ron Cummings, President, Perth-Andover (P-A) Rotary Club welcomed its Rotarians, Rotarians from the Fort Fairfield (FF) Rotary Club, and guests in singing both county’s National Anthems, and reciting the clubs universal Rotary Grace. Dinner was served by the ever efficient Inn staff, and the sudden quietness in the conversation being an indicator, the Inn’s chef provided an excellent meal.
Ron and FF Rotary Club President, Carl Young, took turns introducing honored guests and presenting recognitions for Rotarian’s exemplary service. This article concentrates on the FF Rotary Club recognitions, leaving this task to Ron for the P-A Rotary Club.
Carl first introduced himself and wife, Becky, and then the Rotary District 7810, Area 1, outgoing Assistant District Governor (ADG), Nancy Fletcher, and incoming ADG, Floyd Rockholt, both of the Presque Isle Rotary Club. Then, 100% Attendance Award pins were presented to FF Rotarians Dale Ames, Effie Murchie, Josie Lopez, Ken Hensler, Kevin Murchie, Larry Plant, Paul Cormier, Paul Towle, Tracy Copeland, and Carl Young.
Outstanding Service recognition pins were awarded to FF Rotarians Effie Murchie, Ken Hensler, and Paul Towle. Carl noted that he wished he had a pin for all FF Rotarians as they all may be counted on to support service activities taken on by the club during the year ever mindful of Rotary’s motto, “Service Above Self”.
Ken Hensler was recognized as the club’s Paul Harris Fellow recipient. This was Ken’s second such recognition and the citation was presented by Larry Plant, himself a Paul Harris Fellow recipient, and Nancy Fletcher, ADG, took part in the pinning ceremonies.
Briefly, the Paul Harris Fellow recognition is named after Rotary’s founder, and is presented to individuals who meet the high professional and personal standards set forth by Paul Harris. This recognition is not limited to Rotarians but also may recognize citizens within the community whom local clubs feel have met these standards. Multiple-time Paul Harris Fellows, such as Ken, are recognized as they continue to contribute and meet the Paul Harris Fellow standards.
Carl then provided remarks concerning the past club-year and thanked club members and Board of Directors for their outstanding support. Also understanding that behind every successful man, there is a strong, wise and hardworking woman; Carl thanked his wife, Becky, for her unconditional support.
Installation of club-year 2013-2014 officers took place. The FF Rotary Club officer slate was introduced and includes Kevin Murchie – Director, Paul Towle – Director, Dale Ames – Director, Gary Sirios – Sargent at Arms, Tracy Copeland – Treasurer, Stephanie Beaulieu – Secretary, Ken Hensler – Vice Presisent, and Carl Young – President.
Carl then reviewed the 2012-2013 FF Rotary Club-year accomplishments, mentioning but a few of the many.
- Hosted the club’s annual Bike Rodeo for children ages 2 through 12, held during the Maine Potato Blossom Festival. Features biking riding safety instructions, riding course safe riding demonstration, new U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission-approved bike helmets for all participants, and three new bikes for free raffle winners in three age categories.
- Supported the Aroostook Valley Country Club recovery effort following high winds storm that uprooted over 200 trees.
- Hosted the annual free Thanksgiving Day Community Dinner for community senior citizens. Annual event for about 30 years.
- Club meeting that is held annually at the local high school, just prior to Christmas, where through its “Happy Dollars” program the club raises funds that are administered by the elementary/middle school staff to purchase warm winter clothing for those students who may be in need.
- During Rotary’s Literacy Month, March, supported a Maine-native author, Tim Caverly, coming to the elementary school to present readings from his books about experiences on the Allagash Waterway and providing books for the elementary school library.
- Provided support for a Group Study Exchange Team from India with a vegetarian dinner, and supported the Presque Isle and Caribou Rotary Club’s combined vegetarian potluck dinner held at the Nordic Heritage Center.
- Administered the club’s Rotary Spirit Student Award Program’s second successful year at the Fort Fairfield High School. A male and female outstanding student from across grades 9 through 12 are recognized for academics, citizenship, and personal development each school-year quarter and a Rotary Spirit Student of the Year (SOY) is chosen from these quarterly recipients. This year’s quarterly recipients Hannah Holbrook, Thomas Krause, Robbie Martin, Victoria Plourde, Kyle Doody, Josh Ricker, Sarah Owens and SOY Melissa Hotham were recognized during the high school’s Honors Night program.
- Supported, and participated in, the high school’s Project Graduation All-nighter that provides a safe and sane environment in which to celebrate high school graduation.
- Supported high school graduating seniors with two $1000 scholarships.
- Mentioning but a few, GREAT YEAR!
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