Lynn Turnbull (front left), Director of Education, and Camp Co-director – TAMC, Courtney Lovely (front right), Quality Manager – TAMC, Barb Turner (back left), Healthcare Recruiter - Eastern Maine Health Systems (EMHS), and Paul Barrett (back right), Manager, Change and Informatics, and Camp Co-director – TAMC, accept a Survivor Aroostook support check from Carl Young (back center), President – Fort Fairfield Rotary Club.
The Survivor Aroostook Health Careers Exploration Camp, held annually at The Aroostook Medical Center (TAMC), is designed to introduce local youth to a wide variety of careers available in healthcare. Campers explore first-hand possible careers in: Radiology, Dietitian, Nursing, Physician, Dentistry, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Respiratory Therapy, Pharmacy, Paramedic, Midwifery, Surgical Tech, Lab Tech, Mental Health, Physician Assistant, and Nurse Practitioner. Campers take part in a variety of exercises and challenges that allow them to understand what working within the healthcare industry is like. During the week campers are introduced to the various healthcare careers by way of hands-on investigation, such as learning how to suture a wound or cast a broken limb. Campers are also introduced to a number of healthcare experiences off campus as well, visiting local dental clinics and other private healthcare facilities. The camp is made possible through the continuing support of many sponsors and volunteers.